

日期:2023-07-05 点击数:49



作为北京语言大学教师教育学院的代表,本杰明·格林博士发表他在彼得·朗主编的《生态文明:应对生态危机的复杂性》(Peter Lang, 2024)一书中所撰写的章节《文明崩溃与后启示录生存》。该文将中国的生态文明(Ecological Civilization)概念定位为一种生态教育哲学,具有向负责任、充满希望、创造性的全球教学、研究和行动实践的潜力,这种潜力能够缓解气候危机和实现生态社会的文明转向。同时,他还将在“人类世代的公民身份、能力和发声”子主题中担任会议主持人。


The Commission on Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union (IGU-CGE) International Conference is to be held at the Department of Education, Oxford, UK from the 5th to the 7th of July 2023. The conference, under the theme of ‘Geography Education for the Anthropocene’, represents an important opportunity for scholars from across the globe to ‘think geographically’ about the complex environmental, social, economic, and political factors that have both caused and are being utilized to mitigate the impending global ecological crisis. Representing a crucial eco-social node of transformative potential, education, particularly geography education, has at its core the aim of teaching students to understand and think productively about themselves within the complexity of places and spaces that make up our globalized world. In this way, this conference has welcomed international scholars who seek to utilize the transformative potential of geography education to inform, inculcate, empower, and entrust current and future generations with ensuring the survivability and sustainability of our one and only home planet - Earth.

Towards this aim, scholars have been enlisted to present their recent works on various sub themes within sessions such as “Ethics, People and Place in Geography Education”, Textbooks, Research and Pedagogies in, and for, the Anthropocene”, Pedagogies of Hope, Courage, and Resilience”, “Geography and Teacher Education: Engaging with the experiences of student teachers”, and “Decolonizing Geography: Voices, knowledge and positionality” amongst many others. As a proud representative of Teachers College at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU), Assistant Professor, Dr. Benjamin J. Green, will be presenting his forthcoming work titled Ecological Civilization: Engaging the Complexity of Ecological Crisis, a chapter in the forthcoming edited volume Civilizational Collapse and the Philosophy of Post-Apocalyptic Survival (Peter Lang, 2024). Specifically, this work positions China’s concept of Ecological Civilization (EC) as an eco-pedagogical philosophy with the potential to mitigate the climate crisis within a civilizational shift in eco-social culture towards a responsible, hopeful, creative agentic global praxis of teaching, research, and action. Alongside the presentation of this important work, Dr. Green will also hold the responsibility of chairing a session on the sub-theme of “Citizenship, Capabilities, and Voice in the Anthropocene”.

Throughout this conference, Dr. Green will have the opportunity to share ideas with leading educational scholars, promoting not only Teachers College at BLCU, but also important philosophical, conceptual, and educational policy developments emanating from China’s ongoing efforts to foment a global ecological civilization based in fair and equitable global climate cooperation.



Author Bio

Benjamin J. Green is an Assistant Professor at Teachers College, Beijing Language and Culture University, having previously taught at both Beijing Foreign Studies University, and Beijing Foreign Affairs University. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Sacramento (2010) , an M.A. in International Policy and Development from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (2012) , and a Ph.D. in Comparative Education from the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University  (2021) . He is the author of How China’s System of Higher Education Works: Pragmatic Instrumentalism, Centralized-Decentralization, and Rational Chaos (Routledge, 2023) , as well as over 25 international publications in SSCI and/or Scopus indexed journals such as Educational Philosophy and Theory and Postdigital Science and Education. His previous works on postdigital collective intelligence, higher education (HE)  governance, HE internationalization, US-China relations, digital nationalism, critical cosmopolitanism, and Chinese internationalism, highlight an overarching concern for co-evolutionary systemic adaptability in the face of increasingly complex global crises.